by isaac | Nov 28, 2022 | Churches, Information Technology, Missions, Nonprofit
We all love free stuff. I especially love Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and during the 2000’s ran an entire missions organization off of FOSS. I don’t run quite as much FOSS today as it can be a lot tricker for me to scale and keep costs down for...
by isaac | Nov 21, 2022 | Churches, Information Technology, Missions, Nonprofit
Okay, so it shames me a bit to admit this, but I hadn’t really tried the short form vertical video until last week. As a Gen-X’er, I had the typical mindset that short form vertical was for kids to make dance videos or whatever it is that my wife, Sze...
by isaac | Nov 14, 2022 | Churches, Information Technology, Missions, Nonprofit
I joined a church plant this year. Not on staff or anything like that, just as a member. I like church plants because I enjoy the freedom to “shake it up” and that you are often forced to innovate. Now it should come as no surprise that I think one of the...
by isaac | Nov 7, 2022 | Churches, Information Technology, Missions, Nonprofit
You know those big email disclaimers people send? They sit below their signature and usually look something like this: The information we just sent you is confidential and only meant for the recipient, if we sent it to you in error then we assume no responsibility for...