by isaac | Sep 11, 2013 | Business, Churches, Information Technology, Missions, Nonprofit
Sometimes those of us in IT professions can come off sounding like a broken record, and that’s because the first step in solving computer issues is often the reboot. Here’s a quick compilation from The IT Crowd where the staff are constantly asking their...
by isaac | Sep 3, 2013 | Business, Churches, Information Technology, Missions, Nonprofit
Microsoft has many times tried to end support for Windows XP, and with good reason: it’s a very old operating system! However, each time they have extended support due to user and corporate outcry. The most recent announcement that came out in April was that...
by isaac | Aug 5, 2013 | Business, Churches, Information Technology, Missions, Nonprofit
I just wanted to take a moment to let everyone know about a nifty patching and updating application I came across a while back. It is called “Patch My PC” and it seems to work fairly well updating most applications. The most important thing it does is...
by isaac | Jul 26, 2013 | Business, Churches, Information Technology, Missions, Nonprofit
Today is a bit of a special day for all those IT professionals out there, you see today marks Systems Administrator Day! Today is the day to appreciate the IT professionals within your organization. The IT guy often has it a bit rough as they tend to be called upon a...
by isaac | Jul 16, 2013 | Business, Churches, Information Technology, Missions, Nonprofit, Open Source
This post isn’t so much about a technology issue so as it is a post that hopefully inspires people to go out and do things that they are being called to do. If you have that nagging-tugging feeling that you are meant to be doing something and have been avoiding...
by isaac | Jul 9, 2013 | Business, Churches, Information Technology, Missions, Nonprofit, Open Source
I recently read an article written by a computer technician in the UK where he relayed a story about a virus intruding into his client’s network via phishing e-mail and then managing to infect all their computers in the course of a few hours. He mentioned if...